Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ch. 2 - Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

Every month, Netflix comes out with new Tv Show episodes, new movies and even more cartoons for kids. It is true that maybe Amazon or Hulu can have the newest movies in less time than Netflix, but Netflix offers more and more besides latest movies. It doesn't only give entertainment to little kids, or young teenagers, or adults, but it gives the possibility to oldest people to watch old movies that were probably there when they were young. Who wouldn't want that?

With Netflix, we are talking about Cost Competitive Advantage, because being a low-cost competitor, it keeps maintaining satisfactory profit margin. Netflix is expanding its limits, now with the recent introduction of Disney movies, who does need cassettes and piles of DVDs anymore? Everything is in our devices, to watch while traveling, to watch while having a dinner with friends, to watch while taking a bath. 

What is Netflix planning to do? Netflix is planning to start adding more recent movies, increasing his team of customer service and simplifying even more the access through apps and website. Netflix is even trying to go worldwide, reaching the European customers, who already are waiting to explore this new easy on-demand website. 

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