Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

A very important matter that any marketing manager should understand is the consumer behavior, which is understanding what and how a customer wants in order to buy. Thanks to the rating characteristic available in every single content on Netflix, Netflix knows what customers think and what they like. By being aware of this important factor, Netflix is able to introduce more movies related to the ones that have been rated higher, and limit movies that have lower rates or that customers never finish watching. 

Netflix recently added a new feature on the website; it's called Play Max, and it's a tool that helps you find movies that you will like in less than two minutes. Play Max asks you some questions, asks you to rate some movies that you might have seen, and then shows you a list of movies based on your preferences and grades. Being sometimes difficult to find what we want in an enormous library full of contents, Play Max is the easiest way to find more movies that you would like to watch, so that customers won't get bored by an infinite search.

Like every other market, Netflix has competence, and like in every other market, Netflix has to beat the competence. One of the characteristics Netflix owns, is the low price; customers always like low prices, but for a customer satisfaction, the low price needs to be accompanied by a good product and a good impression. Not only Netflix offers a low price membership, but costumers are satisfied with the product and are now loyal to the company. Something customers were looking for and found on Netflix, is the formidable commercial free streaming program; you cannot find a single commercial while watching a movie or even in their webpage; this is something customers were tired of seeing: commercials everywhere, from YouTube to Google, from Facebook to Yahoo. Being a commercial free website, means being visited more frequently and more happily. Another characteristic that the business owns, is the Netflix app, available in many dispositive; indeed customers can watch movies on IPads, IPods, IPhones, Play Station4, AppleTv, Computers and so on. It is so easy to just click and start watching, and this is something customers love.

Netflix is also improving its subscription by asking the already members to suggest movies and shows to other people through Facebook; once you click on the movie you want to suggest, and the friend you want to send it to, Netflix sends a request to that friend, with a tempting 30-day-free trial option that has low chances to be turned down. 

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